
Best Relics in Remnant 2

How would you like to be healed?

Best Relics in Remnant 2
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

One of the biggest changes in this highly anticipated sequel is that there is more than one healing relic, and they all behave differently. These have wildly different effects and don’t even all provide a flat heal rate. This is just another one of the ways that this game serves to help you craft your unique build. We have collected and experimented with many of these to determine the best relics in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 Best Relics

Dragon Heart

Dragon Heart Relic
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

It’s hard to beat the default heart if you want pure healing. Though the default 70 health starts to mean much less later in the game, it pulls its weight with an eventual 10 uses. This is especially true when offsetting it with health regeneration rings and amulets. There isn’t a single build you can make that can’t benefit in some way by just having the normal Dragon Heart.

Enlarged Heart

Enlarged Heart Relic
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

The Enlarged Heart is the next evolution if you need more than the Dragon Heart offers. It’s a great tool, between the inherent double use speed and 140 health healed. The obvious drawback is that it halves your relic uses. For that reason, this heart might have to wait until later in the game when you have at least six uses. However, the Tear of Kaeula ring that gives two extra relic uses is a must if you want to use it early.

Resonating Heart

Resonating Heart Relic
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

The Resonating Heart is great for getting out of a jam. You get a guaranteed 50% of your maximum, which is likely far more than the Dragon Heart gives. Though, it does give it back over a longer time span than you might be capable of withstanding. The true shining aspect of this relic is that any healing given past full is doubled and returned over 20 seconds. That might definitely be enough to keep you on your feet during a tough fight.

Runed Heart

Runed Heart Relic
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

Mod power can be tough to maintain, especially on the stronger mods that require much more to charge up. If you’ve got some high-damage mods, this is a good heart, but it can’t be your sole method of healing. Restoring five health per second for only 10 seconds makes this the worst relic for healing. However, there are many other sources to raise that stat and make that health regeneration even better. Namely, using the Summoner archetype and leveling up its unique trait.

Siphon Heart

Siphon Heart Relic
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

This relic doesn’t give a solid chunk of healing but instead pairs with some perk a ring might give. The Siphoner trait that maxes out at 3% lifesteal is a must if you’re going to use this one. The offered lifesteal is great, but it doesn’t let you really reset after a tough fight. For that reason, you especially need some form of extra health regeneration. Also, this doesn’t pair well with anything but full-auto weapons, so it likely won’t work for Hunters.

Void Heart

Void Heart Relic
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

This is likely the best relic you can find, considering it pays out 100% of your health in less than a second. Of course, it does make a difference that you must survive five seconds until it activates. Though you get the added damage reduction bonus, using it with a decent armor level is still advisable. This makes it the perfect choice for Challengers, Gunslingers, and Engineers. Considering Hunters’ general glass cannon quality, this is likely not the relic for them.

This should give you a solid idea of the flavors of healing available through relics. For more Remnant 2 best-of lists, take a look at our links below.

About the author

Cameron Waldrop

Cameron is a freelance writer for Twinfinite and regularly covers battle royales like Fortnite and Apex Legends. He started writing for Twinfinite in late 2019 and has reviewed many great games. While he loves a good shooter, his heart will always belong to JRPGs.
