
How to Get Sorrow Handgun in Remnant 2

A great potentially early handgun to add to your arsenal.

How to Get Sorrow Handgun in Remnant 2
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

While it feels like there is loot around every corner in the many Remnant 2 worlds, that is mostly amulets and rings. Guns seem to take a little more work or fulfilling secret conditions. The major aspect of this game is randomization, so it can be hard to track these things down. However, we know what you need to look out for to earn the Sorrow handgun.

Where to Find the Sorrow Handgun

The elements needed for the Remnant 2 event to earn this handgun happen on Yaesha and are possible whether or not it is your first run-through.

Tear of Kaeula Ring

First and foremost, you need to be on an instance of Yaesha that includes the Kaeula’s Shadow boss fight. You’re on the right track if you come across a huge round chamber that is partially flooded. Further progression into this area will lead you to an open room with a purple beam on the floor that nets you the Tear of Kaeula ring. Picking up this ring starts the actual fight.

Meeting Meidra

Winning will let you leave this chamber and head through a golden gate into the next area. There should be an open section with a V-shape surrounded by foliage you can walk up into. A blue NPC named Meidra will appear and float down.

Meidra NPC
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

Much of her dialogue gives you thought experiments with two possible responses. Your answers will lead to getting one of two Traits, but the real focus is after. Once you have been given the resulting Trait, Meidra will notice that you are carrying the Tear of Kaeula ring and will ask where you got it.

To be safe, pick “I killed a Root monster and took it.” She reveals that it was her sister’s ring, and this means you killed her, so you should respond with, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Meidra will explain that she isn’t upset and is glad you have the ring because you freed her sister from the Root corruption that had taken her over. She thanks you and tells you to keep it.

Instead, pick the option for “No, this ring belongs to you [Give Tear of Kaeula].” She will then reward you with the Sorrow in gratitude.

Give Ring to Meidra
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

If you’re worried about giving up the ring, you can always reroll this planet or the campaign later, to give yourself a chance to find it again.

The Sorrow Handgun’s Stats

Sorrow Stats
Image Source: Gunfire Games via Twinfinite

If you’re looking for a solid damage handgun that you can potentially get rather early on in Remnant 2, the Sorrow is a good pick. The base 45 damage outclasses just about every other base handgun.

It also features the ‘Eulogy’ unique mode. This “Recalls bolts which deal 30 damage when pulled from a target and when striking targets on their return. Recalled bolts grant 2% of max health. Recalled bolts can also overfill Sorrow by up to +5. Any additional bolts will be returned to reserves.”

This mod is great against bosses as there aren’t multiple targets to spread the bolts between, essentially meaning you’ll stack its damage-dealing effects.

Happy hunting with your new Sorrow handgun! Be sure to check out our links below for more Remnant 2 content and guides.

About the author

Cameron Waldrop

Cameron is a freelance writer for Twinfinite and regularly covers battle royales like Fortnite and Apex Legends. He started writing for Twinfinite in late 2019 and has reviewed many great games. While he loves a good shooter, his heart will always belong to JRPGs.
